Tooele Education Foundation and their partner, Tooele Valley Rotary Club, were thrilled to sponsor the Tooele Transition Recognition Dinner on January 28th. One of our favorite events of the year, this dinner honors local businesses that work with Tooele Transition to provide training and paid jobs for 18-22 year-old disabled students. Kristen Linares, TCSD Transition Specialist, worked with students and teachers to coordinate a night to remember for families and community members. The evening included a dinner, prepared and served by CLC Pro Start students, as well as a program presented by Tooele Transition students. These students shared information about their jobs and expressed appreciation to their employers as well. Local businesses that support Tooele Transition include:
Cottage Glen
Diamond Janes
Home Depot
Kid’s Park
La Fountain
Mountain West Medical Center
Rocky Mountain Care Center
Tooele Transcript Bulletin
Thank you to our amazing local businesses that provide these students with the training and jobs they need to acquire confidence, independence and happiness. Also, a big thanks to Tooele Valley Rotary Club for partnering with TEF for this event.
TEF Staff and Tooele Valley Rotary Club Members